Hi. They sell giblet-free chickens.
So while I was prepping the little thing, Anders was watching and had a really worried/scared look on his face. He asked what it was, I told him a chicken. He said it doesn't look like chicken. I proudly told him that's because it's a whole chicken.
Still looking worried and scared he said, "It kind of looks like it's alive." I laughed and laughed.
I refuse to believe that the chicken had to do anything with Anders and Addie both falling ill. Addie woke up barfing last night (fun!) and has been like this all day.
Anders was chipper as a...wait for it...CHICKEN! this morning, but fell ill at school. His teacher even called me to tell me to come get him, but I was vacuuming and didn't hear my phone. Poor guy had to wait it out. He walked in the door and went directly to his bed. So sad.
Then there's this one:just as perky as can be and terrorizing the rest.