Sunday, March 22, 2009


We went to Chuck E. Cheese's on Friday. Lots of fun was had by the children, but when Addie was forced to eat the pizza, she looked like she was gonna lose it. She kept saying, "This is nasty". In her defense, it is nasty pizza. I keep thinking about it and gagging. We went to a fun park later that night and basked in the wonderfulness of the first day of spring. It was 61 degrees at 9:00 at night.
In other news:

Nils survived layoffs and has been doing a lot of freelance- both of which we are very grateful for.

We're building a giant sandbox.

I got new running shoes.

Anders can read almost anything.

Addie has been the naughty one lately.

Nils signed us up to sing in next week's ward talent show. He wants to do a parody of Rihanna's Umbrella. So far the rhyming words we've come up with are Nutella, Yella, Fella, Don't wanna tella (tell her), Helen Kella, etc. It's going to be just greeeaaaat.


Holly said...

can we come along? pleeeeeeeeease? i'd love to hear it, you guys are so clever.

Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh, I would pay money to see that.

Doulabug said...

Me, too!

P.S. I've never had Chuck E. Cheese pizza and now i never want to!

Kari said...

were were at chuck e cheese on friday night also, for a birthday party and we got to partake of the wonderful pizza as well!

Heidi said...

So funny! You need to have someone record you guys so you can share with us outsiders. I want to know what you're going to do with "Helen Kella!" :) Careful. . .you guys might end up in charge of ward activities if they think you're TOO fun!

Melinda B. said...

If that isn't up on youtube I am going somethin'. And it will wreak havoc.