Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh My Aching Stomach

I have a sensitive stomach and get sick when I eat the wrong foods. So far the known offenders are avocados, bananas and fish. I have a really fun Katrina/tacos topped with avocados that my mother-in-law made/me puking for hours afterward story, but I'll spare you. Anyhoo, I think I might have to now add almonds to the list. Sad. I really don't like avocados, bananas or fish, so they're not a big loss. I really like almonds, though. You know what would be great? If things like fudge, frosting, cake, and Ben & Jerry's Cinnamon Bun ice cream made me sick. That would really be much more beneficial.


Farrah said...

We love Cinnamon Bun ice cream too. I can make myself sick eating that, but I try not to. Just so yummy!

Bev said...

So sad almonds don't settle well with you, they are such a tasty and healthy snack! I agree though i wish the bad foods would make me sick....wishful thinking!

mooresclan said...

Sorry. I curse the food that made you sick!

Holly said...

sorry for your loss.