Kid Update: We've been so consumed with the house and moving, etc. that I haven't mentioned how good the kids have been lately. So for posterity's sake, here goes.
ADDIE PAIGE: Addie's had it rough for a few months. She's generally been in a bad mood due to her limited vocabulary. When we moved from Springville, she had a very hard time adjusting and went through a pretty hateful phase of hitting me, slapping me, throwing things at me, screaming at me, running away from me, etc. It's been quite difficult on this mom. In the last month or so, however, she's snapped out of it. She started talking in incredible leaps and bounds, and she's really acting like a big girl now. She LOVES Anders to death. She asks for him first thing in the morning. She copies everything he does. If I give her a cookie, she asks for one for Anders so he can have one too. Overall she's much happier and quite enjoyable to be around.
ANDERS HAYDEN: Or should I say Anders Hayden Lightning McQueen Mr. The King Kacheeka Rasmusson? According to Anders, that is his full name. "I have THOUSANDS of names!" Anders is impressing us with his abilities. Yes, I realize I'm his mother so I think he's the most brilliant child on the earth, but here are some of the cool things he's been doing: He writes his name in upper case and lower case letters, and he's practicing the whole alphabet in upper case and lower case so he can earn the much coveted Diego bike at Toys R US. The Big Wheel is sooooo 3-year old.
He's an excellent big brother. He inflicts plenty of brotherly torture on Addie, but for the most part he's very patient and loving toward her. They play together quite well, and he is cooperative when Addie wants to do something simply because he's doing it. He's also very excited for the new baby. I think it's sweet that he's always been happy it's another sister. I suspected he would prefer a brother, but he's a thrilled it's a girl.
There's my gushing session. I've been struck lately at how much they mean to me and how thankful I am to have these little people in my life.
they are so cute.
even now as i type this at 10:41pm i can hear dave singing "the 12 days of christmas" to inez because she simply won't go to bed for us these days. aren't kids just the best?
that is too funny and so cute. It's funny how Abbey and Addie seem to go through phases together. SHe also has recently taken up this whole talking thing. and I can't get enough of it. I'll ask her questions to hear her answer. very cute kids. way to go anders on the alphabet!
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