Saturday, March 31, 2007


Have you seen the Seinfeld episode when they say "he-lloooooo!" to each other the whole time? That's all I could think to put in the there.

I'd like you all to know that I typed up a big fat post earlier this week complete with pictures and all, but when I tried to publish it, the internet crapped out. Then Nils decided to reformat the computer. He got Windows Vista (ummm, yeah, legally, of course), but we didn't love it. The biggest pitfall was that it's not compatible with Media Center, which we depend on to record and watch our "must see" TV shows. So we're back to XP as of now. How's that for the longest, most boring explanation of blog absence ever?

The most exciting thing I can think of is that my blood pressure is good. I had preeclampsia with both Anders and Addie, so of course it's a concern with this pregnancy. I went to the doctor yesterday and the blood pressure's looking good, so that makes me relax. The irony is that when I go to the doctor, I get nervous that my BP is going to be high, which makes it high. It's a vicious cycle, really. Sometimes they have to let me sit in a recliner and relax and then take it. It's really part of my master plan to dominate the universe, but that's another entry...

So I'll post some interesting facts and photos as soon as all of our pictures and data are recovered from the format. Nils loves to reformat. Is that weird?

1 comment:

courtneyb said...

It's comforting to know that you even have blood pressure, I thought there was no pulse and you guys had died. what, you move out to eagle mountain and now too cool for the blog world?