Friday, April 27, 2007

Funny, Funny

I can't help it...I think it's so funny! As a UVSC alum, I think it's hysterical that the rebellious BYU students held their alternative commencement at UVSC. Adding to that is the fact that Ralph Nader was one of their keynote speakers. I love Ralph, actually. And so does UVSC, so it's just super fitting. Another fun fact: Ralph Nader is from Nils' hometown of Winsted, Connecticut. Nils grew up cutting the Nader family's lawn. The whole situation gives me an abnormal amount of joy.


courtneyb said...

forgive me but I'm a little out of the loop. Did Dick head Chenney speak at BYU? Is that why they had a different ceremony? Who's teaching these children to stand up for their beliefs? Oh, the religious school they attend. Not a huge fan of BYU. But from the mouth of my husband "the girls are easy at BYU"

Katrina said...

Oh, I miss you! You've made my day. Yes, Brother Cheney spoke at BYU, and enough people (students and faculty) were against it that they held a different commencement. Did I mention it was at UVSC?

courtneyb said...

hahahahaha "brother Cheney". did his lesbian daughter attend as well, "sister cheney"?

Katrina said...

I think I'm going to hyperventilate! You're killing me!

courtneyb said...

I clicked on your conneticut link, is that really what it looks like? so cute! why are you living in utah?