Thursday, June 14, 2007

Darn the Castor Oil!

I started taking the castor oil yesterday. I took a small amount at first to make sure and not get sick...then a little more...then a little more, etc. Nothing. Nada. I think it's actually made me go backwards. I was having mild contractions Monday and yesterday until I took the stuff. Then they stopped completely! What the heck? I'm going to the doctor today, so I'm planning on turning on the water works. I'm sure he won't care. Did I mention he said he'd induce me on the 19th? That's not soon enough, but it's looking like I might just have to take it at this point. Thanks for nothing, stupid-head castor oil!


courtneyb said...

their easier to take care of when their inside than out!

you know what would make you feel awesome! have liz take some artsie pregnant photos of your belly!!!

Gingerlylizzy said...

DON'T DO IT! Do you know why people used to reccomend castor oil? BECAUSE IT GIVES YOU DIARHEA SO BAD THAT YOUR UTERUS CONTRACTS! Okay, I don't know about you but the last thing I want is the runs while I am in labor! LOL

Also - I would LOVE to take pregnant belly photos - you can be my first experiment!!! AND - let me do your newborn ones!!! I have yet to do a newborn and I have some GRRRRREAT ideas! FOR FREE!

Gingerlylizzy said...

I just realized I have lived in the U.S. too long. I can't spell anymore.

Melinda B. said...

I'm a little bit happy you are still pregnant, I want you to come over tomorrow. *smile*

Teresa said...

FYI: the spicy food thing doesn't work either. But, it tastes a heck of a lot better than the castor oil (I would guess)!

Melinda B. said...

Found these recipes for you.

Castor oil recipes
Castor oil and orange juice
2 oz castor oil
1 tsp baking soda
6 oz orange juice

Castor oil milk shake
2 oz castor oil
2 or 2 scoops ice cream
1/4 cup milk
blend in blender

Castor oil shots
2 oz castor oil shot followed by sucking on a lime or lemon

All the other recipes called for a combustion engine. Are you sure you want to drink that stuff?

courtneyb said...

i think melinda wants to see you poop on the delivery table ;)
j/k melinda. that's funny the have "recipes" for it

my advice, go to costco, spend $100 on food that has to be refrigerated (fish, meat, etc) and then drive around doing errands and you know that there is no one who can watch the kids, then you will probably go into labor.

Katrina said...

Courtney, I've been having major anxiety about that happening, like getting stuck in traffic, the kids in the car, and the baby falls out. It would figure.

courtneyb said...

"the baby falls out" that would be awesome if it was that easy! pig out on some more "i'm pregnant I can eat whatever I want" food before it's back to the old weight loss roller coaster!!!