Saturday, June 02, 2007

Short Lived Joy

Well that was quick. The DVD player died already. What was that- a few days? We had used it in the car maybe twice and it started freaking out then stopped working. Now it won't power on at all. There could be various reasons for this (most of which I try not to think about) but now we're back to square one. Oh well, it's not like we spent money on it. Anders is now back to asking 89 questions a minute in the car. "Hey Anders, look at that airplane!"


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was protecting itself against the possibility of further abuse. It got scared straight!

courtneyb said...

maybe there is something sticky jammed in there. yikes, did I go there?

Katrina said...

Emmy- I think it committed suicide due to its traumatic life. We've also taken this as a sign that we just aren't supposed to own a portable DVD player.

And no, Courtney, I don't think there's anything jammed in there. You kill me.

Gingerlylizzy said...

Well, you succeeded at making cheerios almost come out of my nose with that last post. Congrats.