Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Birthday Hangover

We're all suffering from birthday hangover. Anders turned 5 on the 6th, Addie turned 3 on the 12th and I turned the big 3-0 yesterday. Many of you sneaky stinkers are aware that Nils threw me a surprise party on Friday. People have asked me if I was really surprised. Ummm, yah. Thanks, Holly, for taking these priceless pictures!

Remember how I was going to get a pedicure? It was all a big fat lie to get me out of the house. My friend Jenny (standing next to me) called me the night I locked myself in my room and asked if I wanted to go with her. Of course I said yes. I was such a sucker! I had a jolly good time getting my toenails painted, though. Seriously, look how cute those toes are. I can barely stand it. But I digress.
I can safely say I've never been as surprised as I was that night. It was so fun to have so many people that I love (LOVE!) there. So thank you to all who came. I'm a little choked up right now. And, there were a few of my best buds missing; some of you are far away, and some of you just didn't get the e-mail I guess.

Anyway, there were several larger than life pictures of moi on the walls. I told Nils a few months ago after we watched Transformers that I had a crush on Optimus Prime. He ran with that! One of the pictures on the wall was of me dancing with Optimus Prime. I had a Transformers cake, party hats and party blowers.

We had to break out the Optimus Prime mask/voice changer that Anders got for Christmas.
So, I had a great birthday bash. And I'm okay with being 30. The hardest thing is typing in 3-0 on the treadmill instead of 2-9.


Emmy Bludorn said...

That is an awesome party. And I love the old picture of you that is blown up to larger than life. Way to go, Nils.

30, huh? I'm kind of nervous for that. Let me know how it goes.

Lindsey said...

Happy birthday! Sheesh, i didn't know you were so old. You and brandon should form an old geezer club and play shuffle board on the weekend.

courtneyb said...

so sad I missed it! Can I see a picture of you dancing with optimus prime, that sounds hilarious!

Nice job Nils, I don't think Ryan could pull that off. I would probably figure it out before the b-day.

Farrah said...

We were SO disappointed we couldn't be there! Stupid movers who showed up 4 HOURS LATE! Dang them to heck! Oh well! I joined the big 3-0 club about a week before you did and I told Josh he had better be throwing me a surprise party like Nils was for you if he really loved me. He didn't. Guess he doesn't love me. Oh well, I'll get over it!

Unknown said...

Happiest Birthday!! I am glad that you are doing well with the big 30. I keep telling myself if I'm skinny it'll be ok. Let's just say... Not looking good.

Teresa said...

Yeah 3-0! I am glad you faired so well. When I get that old (grin) I will be sure to call you and ask how you pulled it off so well! Sorry I couldn't be there. It has only been 3 weeks since we were in Utah, I am sure we could have made it out;c)

Holly said...

that was a fun party. i think i am still recovering from the sugar crash that the optimus prime cake gave me.

and i'm glad that you got a few good pictures. i guess it wouldn't be that hard to get at least one since i took about a million!

i vote to have nils' song posted! i'd like to hear optimus prime sing that one. nils has the upper hand in that category, for sure.