Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dear Snow

Dear Winter Snow,

I don't like you. You are cold. You are wet. You make my pretend wood floor dirty, but worse than that, you make my carpet dirty. How dare you?

Because of you, I get stuck on the hill by my house. Then I have to drive backwards down the hill in the blinding snow storm, praying there is no one behind me, until I can turn around and take the long way home.

Because of you, when my kids run away from me in parking lots, they slip and fall. Then they cry because of scraped knees and hands, and I look like an even worse mother. Thanks a lot.

Because of you, I want to bake brownies. And eat them. 'Nuff said.

You are free to leave. Now that Christmas and Rasmusson January Birthday Mania are over, you are no longer necessary. Tell your friend Mr. Rain that he can come in your place if it is absolutely necessary. Also, tell your nemesis Spring that he is also welcome to come nice and early because we love and miss him.

My mental health thanks you.




Emmy Bludorn said...

This is why I left Utah! Although, I do enjoy the snow, I must admit. But just to look at from my window as I sit wrapped up in a blanket. And just a day or two here and there. And never when I have to take the kids anywhere. So, basically, I'm happy in Texas and I'll visit Utah sometime if I want a little dose.
I feel your pain.

Lindsey said...

I second that. All of it.

Melinda B. said...

I am SO ready for Spring. I can't believe how much I've shoveled this winter. It's not right.
Punxsutawney Phil better get it right this year or we're all having ground hog stew.

Farrah said...

Hmmm, so sorry! I've been a little cold too. I don't think it will be 70 degrees today. Dang it! I hate it when it only gets into the 60s!

(smirk, chuckle)

Holly said...

hey i wrote this same letter last week, except that mine included a lot of swear words.