Friday, January 11, 2008

Boring Random Thoughts

School started. I guess that's why I'm feeling sort of pissy. I am baffled by how much of an effect it has on me. I gear up for it, feel like I'm mentally prepared, make plans to not go insane, but the semester starts and my happiness level dips. I thought I was going to lose it last night. Anders was yet again devastated by the dinner I prepared. I gave him some chicken nuggets and ketchup to ease his pain. When those were gone, he asked for more. I gave him some more, was in the process of getting him more ketchup when he said, "I need some more ketchup, too." Innocent enough, right? I then commanded the children to stop talking, stop demanding things, eat their dinner, and behave. When Nils got home, I locked myself in my room until they went to bed.

Nils and I ate some delicious and nutritious gummy peach rings last night. We made the fatal error of leaving the empty bag on the floor. I was awakened this morning by Anders, once again devastated, holding the empty bag. When I told him that me and daddy ate the rest of them, he cried for almost an hour about it. I finally told him to go to his room until he could deal. He wailed and sobbed, "Now I'll NEVER be able to have anymore peach rings EVER AGAIN!" Nope, never. Ever. In your whole life, you'll never have anymore peach rings. He finally emerged from his room with a splotchy red face, tear stains, and stated, "I'm ready to be happy now."

He ran out of the gym ahead of me today, before I was even out of the daycare. When I got to the van, I told him I didn't like it when he did that, because he could get hit by a car or kidnapped. His response? "I guess I'll just never be able to go to the gym again." Nope, never. Ever. In your whole life, you'll never go to the gym again.

I'm going to get a pedicure tonight.


courtneyb said...

I'm feeling the same sort of pissy feeling ever since school started. Which then leads me to feel, "get me out of this hell hole called Italy". I was going to blog about it but my mother-in-laws response out weighed the pleasure of complaining. Easier just to make a long comment about it on your blog. I didn't want people telling me to be grateful and happy and enjoy my once in a lifetime oppertunity to be in Europe. Thanks for the ever so willing ear :)

Unknown said...

can I come too? maybe that's what I need?

Gingerlylizzy said...

HAHAHAH! Seriously, you crack me up. I have to hide all the empty candy bags too. *sign* if only I could just stop eating the candy. I hope your party was good... Dave is still not home and it is almost 8pm, would haved loved to come. I guess I will have to see the video another time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Holly said...

inez is so dramatic in the same way. i often find myself saying to her, "you have GOT to be kidding." today she started crying because the daycare at the gym wasn't open and she's only been there once. i am afraid for the teenage years.

it was great to see you last night. your toes looked great, charlie the unicorn was funny and i still have a sugar buzz from your optimus prime cake. though maybe it's just a buzz from optimus prime.

p.s. and courtney, you need to be grateful that you are having this once-in-a-lifetime experience in italy and stop complaining. :)

p.p.s. i hate using emoticons, but i don't want to take the risk of being misunderstood.

Katrina said...

Courtney- I'm glad you understand! I'm hesitant to complain publicly too, but sometimes a girl's gotta vent and get sympathy; and I don't think my MIL reads this blog.

Holly- I'm glad someone else has a dramatic kid. Maybe Anders and Inez should get married. Then we'd be related, and we could leach off your wealth and all-star status. And you could be a butthole!

Ash- You do need a pedicure. It was really fun.

Liz-THANKS! I hope to post the video after my birthday hangover wears off.

Teresa said...

Sabrina does the same thing! If I tell her no she says, "I will NEVER be able to do such and such again!" Do you want to rent a house and just put all our kids in there together and we can go on vacation??

Emmy Bludorn said...

I wrote this nice long comment the other day, commiserating with you and laughing about how I lock myself in my room or just flat out tell Matt to deal with it, I'm going. Then I just realized it didn't post for some reason. So you get this.
I freaked out a few weeks ago and walked out the door and found solace in a pedicure as well.