Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I saw my obstetrician at Hallmark last night. I sort of felt like I was in 5th grade again, when I saw my teacher at the grocery store and said to my mom, "Mr. Greer buys groceries, too?"

Obstetricians buy cards at Hallmark, too? Obstetricians aren't supposed to exist outside of their workplace, are they? I like my doctor and everything, but you know...
Anyway, some friendly small talk was exchanged and that was that. I will be more cautious while shopping for birthday cards from now on.


Melinda B. said...

Yeah, I saw mine once at the gym. I hid.

courtneyb said...

maybe if you pulled your pants down you would have been more comfortable

Katrina said...

Melinda- I thought of you, because I was with you when you saw yours at the gym.

Courtney- I'll definitely do that if we meet in a public place again. I'm sure that WOULD make me more comfortable!

Lindsey said...

I saw mine at the mall once and i hid. Awkward.