Monday, May 28, 2007

Not sure how to feel about this one...

We got a portable DVD player for the van a couple of years ago. It was pretty cheap and pooped out, so we've been debating whether or not to buy a new one. Anders never stops talking- really- especially in the car, so we've been particularly interested in one as of late. It's just another expense and one that's hard to justify, so we've been trying to find a decent one for not much money.

About 20 minutes ago I was sitting here at the computer doing the old budget while Nils was trying to find power in the basement bathroom. He started yelling something about "Holy cow! I just found a DVD player!" I had no clue what he was talking about, but he kept yelling, shouting praises of joy about finding a portable DVD player. I went to see what he was talking about and then he said, "Ohhhhh, Brother (former owner of our house) had a problem."

Take a wild guess what he found next to the DVD player. Yes, DVD's. Hidden in the basement. Naughty ones. Isn't that incredibly sad? I'm not even happy that we just scored a free DVD player. It's a really nice one, too.

Nils says to make sure to clarify that the DVD player was very dusty.


Teresa said...

(suppresed giggles). Interesting. Hey, if you find any dirty money, I would be happy to dispose of it for you!!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm just a typical guy, but unlike Katrina, I'm totally stoked that we found a DVD player. I've literally been looking on eBay for good deals and trying to find some way to get one for free. I won't go so far as to call this an answer to our prayers or anything but how lucky is that?
On a more somber note, I do feel pretty sad for that couple. I can just imagine the husband realizing a month after he closed on the house that he left that stuff here. They moved out almost 9 months ago now, so it's been there a while. Being a sinner, I feel more excited about a nice, free DVD player than I feel sad about that dude's problems. Hell, here I come.

courtneyb said...

maybe he left it on purpose, to get rid of it???????

it doesn't matter how things come to you when you put it out there ;)

you can always count on me to apply the law of attraction to everything!

sooooo, what did you do with the movies?? did nils so "oh, don't worry katrina, I'll take care of getting rid of these ;]"

how do you know the guy was a "brother..."? now it's time to ask around the neighborhood about these people and get some juicy gossip on them. of course you will secretly have the best dirt of the group.

Katrina said...

Our next door neighbor was/is really good friends with the wife, so I can't really get a good scoop on the people. And, since you're wondering, (sheesh!) the DVD's have been disposed of. Wouldn't it be great if someone found them in our garbage can? Those Rasmusson's are classsay!

courtneyb said...

actually, that would be hilarious if a racoon knocked over your trash can in the middle of the night and they fell all over the side of the road and you didn't notice it until about noon.

Katrina said...

We drove them to Orem and threw them away in a public garbage can, all wrapped up in bags so no one could see. 'Cause we're smart like that! Ahhh, porn.

Teresa said...

I personally think you should have donated them to D.I. Oh wait...maybe not...

Brandon said...

How can you be sure the "law" of attraction didn't bring you the DVDs and the DVD player just happened to be there too???

I'm going to give the guy (or girl) the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe he/she didn't have an addiction. Maybe it was more of a hobby... Or a thing they both enjoyed... Ok, I'll stop.

Just be thankful that Anders didn't stumble upon the discovery before you.

Holly said...

i hope you disinfect the dvd player.

courtneyb said...

isn't amazing how much attention porn brings! I'm your 10th comment!