Friday, July 13, 2007

History of Aani

In case you were wondering, this is how Aani's name came to be. The main reason I'm writing this is most people are obviously confused when we tell them her name. And, the spelling really seals the deal since it's Hindu or something. But that's okay, we'll just tattoo a little red dot on her forehead. That should really clear up any confusion.
Nils and I have major issues when it comes to naming children- particularly girls. We generally don't have the same taste in names. I like names that people have heard of before, and Nils is a big fan of very unusual ones. In order for our marriage to continue and for our children to be named, we have to compromise. So that's what we're up against.
We each compiled a list of names, but I hated Nils' list and he hated mine. We stopped talking about names for a few months. Well, Nils stopped talking about names. I pestered him constantly about it. It was great.
A couple of months before Aani was born we both sort of liked the name Annika, but Nils couldn't shake the fact that it rhymes with Hanukka. I suggested we pronounce it with a flat "A", (anne-ika), but he said, "Isn't that the kid on Star Wars that becomes Darth Vader?" Now that you know what big Star Wars fanatics we are, you can see how that wasn't an option either.
My mom gave me a book to read called The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. Just as I was about to start reading it, Nils broke his silence and suggested we discuss names. I had a feeling to open the book and read it. The main character's nickname is Ani. I said, "what about Ani?" Nils said, "I like it. I think we've found the name." (As for the spelling, look up A-N-I in a medical journal, and you'll see why we changed it. For this we sincerely thank the Mehl's. Seriously- thanks.)
Anyway, that was the first name that really seemed to fit. We didn't have any trouble calling the baby Aani, and when she was born, it was obvious that it's the right name.
As for the "A" thing: it just happened. We weren't trying to be cute, but now we have to stick with it. If we have one more kid and don't do an "A" name, won't he or she feel like the red-headed step child?

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