Tuesday, July 17, 2007

More Friendly Photos of our 8 Eyed Friend

I think you're right, Melinda. It looks like a wolf spider. This guy surprised me by how lackadaisical he was. He just sat there and barely moved. Perhaps he enjoyed being photographed. Even with some poking and prodding he only moved as much as necessary. I was going to 'dispose of him' after taking some pictures because for some reason Katrina didn't like the idea of him hanging around our house. Then our neighbor Scott came and saw and felt that wolfbutt should be released in the brush outside the neighborhood so he took care of that. I couldn't help but shoot some pictures, though. He was a very cooperative subject. Much like toddlers and houseflies. Or not. So here he is in all his mega-fang eight-eyed glory. So long wolfbutt!


courtneyb said...

wow. that's pretty freaky, i prefer to see them from far away!

Gingerlylizzy said...

I think I would pee my pants. I hate spiders. I am moving - where are there no spiders in this world? I am there...

Melinda B. said...

Wow, it looks like Aragog!

Lindsey said...

HOLY HANNAH!! I would have died!

Teresa said...

I think that is the sickest thing I have seen in years...and I have been changing newborn diapers!:cP Nice photography though, you should enter it in some sort of a contest!

Katrina said...

Aaah, come on, he's fuzzy and cute. Spiders have feelings too, ya know! Poor little TeenWolf. I'm kidding but I actually do like spiders because they catch flies. I hate flies. Why were flies put on this earth?

Holly said...
