Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Big Accomplishment

I've been scared to go grocery shopping with all three kids unless Nils is with me, but today I conquered my fear. Granted, this was no Wal-Mart excursion and only a few items were purchased, but I'm still pleased. We went down the road to Smith's. There was only one melt-down from Addie. Anders asked for about 20 different things, and when I said no, he said, "No, I mean can we get it some other time!" Aani slept the whole time, but I was armed with a bottle, binky, blanket, and my new sling should an emergency arise.

I just have to give a shout out (as the kids say) to Melinda- she drove from Springville to Saratoga Springs yesterday to pick up Anders and Addie and took them to the dinosaur museum. Not only did it give me some time to accomplish a few things, but it more importantly gave Anders the outing he requires every day. Anders had a major wipe-out on his big wheel on Monday, so he's pretty banged up. He has band-aids on most of his joints, his head, and one particularly bloody elbow. Between his injuries and Aislin's forehead, we thought Melinda would get DCFS called on her. That was the risk I was willing to take, though. Tee-hee! So thanks, Melinda. You know you're frickin' awesome.


courtneyb said...

good for you! your not a prisoner in your own home anymore!! i never realized how much newborns slept unitl i started running errands with abbey as a newborn.
melinda is a good friend!!

Melinda B. said...

Congratulations on conquering your fear! What a step! And cool how my name is underlined and links to my blog. Pretty snazzy. You are awefully hi-tech for someone who doesn't like star wars.

Anonymous said...

I remember my first outing with three kids alone. I was very scared. Turned out to be not so bad. I had Josh in a Snuggli and the 2 kids in the grocery cart. Ahh, takes me back.
Congratulations on that big step!