Monday, February 04, 2008

30 Days of Churchy Music. Half way done.

On January 18th, I decided to conduct an experiment to see what effect my less than holy musical taste has on me- spiritually and emotionally. I'm half way through now and I must say, I miss it.  I think I'm happier when I can listen to whatever I want, spiked with some appropriate music here and there.  On Sundays I listen to the churchy music because I think it's the right thing to listen to.  Sometimes it can be vomit inducing because there's a lot of awesomely bad LDS music out there. Most of the time it's OK.  My main frustration is the lack of good LDS music in my own collection.  I can't really stream music at work so I'm left to the few songs I have in my iTunes- about 3o or so.  
  Maybe I'm pure evil but I miss rockin' out to Korn and Chevelle and Kanye West and 30 Seconds to Mars and all of my other favorites.  I think when I'm done with my musical fast (as we're calling it) I'll continue to listen to music that I enjoy but perhaps lace in more mellow music as well.  I love a lot of wholesome music, tenors in particular, so I can always supplement my death metal addiction with music that my kids can listen to, too.  Though Anders doesn't really dig anything but rock.  Not Korn kinda rock but he likes anything with a rockin' beat. He whines if we listen to sappy music.  That's my boy.  
  On a related note I had made a lofty goal of getting out of credit card debt in 2008.  That seemed unlikely but we're being blessed. Yesterday we paid off all of one credit card (half of the debt) and most of the other.  Now we just have a small amount left and we'll use our upcoming Tax Refund or our "George Bush is going to save the economy by forking out cash" check to pay that off and then apply the rest to paying down the ol' van.  Who knows, by this time next year we may be down to just the mortgage!  Now if I could just delay those upcoming student loans a bit longer...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Impressive. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers on this one. Personally I think my iPod would take offense if I just loaded it with church music. Probably burst into flames to just to end the pain. :)

Anonymous said...

After completing my 30 days of churchy music, I came to a few conclusions:
1) My rockin and thumpin' music is part of Nils and should be.
2) It's OK to incorporate more tranquil music into my lifestyle.
3) Overdosing on church music or light music in general has the opposite effect as intended- it makes me irritable and cranky. I need to rock.