Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Spoils

Lookit my cute bag. Isn't it precious? The old diaper bag has started growing things, and Aani's big enough now that we don't have to take the whole house with us when we leave. This bag is big enough to fit a couple of diapers and wipes. I knew we were meant to be together the moment I saw it. We're going to have a long and happy life together.
Lookit my new Billy Bands. Aren't they precious? On days that I can't make it to the gym, I've always wished I could do something besides run up and down the stairs 100 times, and heaven forbid I should have to endure Denise Austen. What is with her? So, my man Billy Blanks has been kicking my trash with these. I wanted to cry yesterday. Can anyone recommend some other good workout DVD's? I need ones that give a person a certain sense of agony, or I don't feel like it's worth it.


Nils said...

Have you tried the new "Nils' Kick Butt Agony Inducing Power Clicking Workout Video for Stay At Home Moms"? I hear it's off the chizzang. Seriously.

Doulabug said...

The bag is gorgeous. I love it. And I want one. Larry says I can't buy anymore shoes, but a bag like that? Even HE would like it!

Melanie Palmer said...

Since Livi was born I haven't been able to take her to the gym. It's been killing me, so we invested in a home gym. But I also like DVD's for a change in pace. I like Slim in 6, although Debbie bugs me as much as Denise. I lurve Turbo Jam. That's my favorite so far.

courtneyb said...

I haven't personally done it but Ryan drips sweat when he's done. I'm a fan of Turbo jam and my friend recommends the videos by the trainers on Biggest Loser. She gets hers at the library. Springville's workout selection is slim in a bad way.

Teresa said...

We got a Total Gym for the free three month trial. We called to have them take it back and they gave us another free month. Then I called again to tell them to take it back and they knocked off some money. I told them we would talk about it when I called them back to tell them "no" they gave us a ridiculusly (sp?) good deal. We love it. I have also used "Walk away the pounds" which is nice because it has different levels, but is getting too easy. Also tried the Tybo and really liked it.

Emmy Bludorn said...

I can't force myself to endure pain at home; something about the home environment turns me into a soft wuss. I save the pain for Body Pump at the gym. I just tried my sister's Wii Fit for her Wii the other day - so fun! I totally want one! Get some major fundage and check that out. Although, I don't think much pain is involved. Sorry.

mooresclan said...

Exercise, what's that?