Monday, October 12, 2009

Kid Stuff

The past little while I've been noticing some things about kids and ages/stages. A lot of the things that were frustrating when Anders was 4 are things that are frustrating now that Addie is 4. Now that Anders is bigger, he's a lot easier to reason with, and understands that it's best just to cooperate. Most of the time. He's been a picky eater for a long, long time. In the past year or so, he has become much better. He'll try things when we ask him to, and he's finding that he actually likes most of it. Yay!

On the other hand, Addie has always been a good eater. She usually sat in her chair and ate her food without complaint. If she didn't like something, she simply wouldn't eat it- but she didn't whine about it. Well, that's all changed. Pretty much every day she acts like she's going to pass away from eating all of the disgusting food she's presented with.

Example: Salad.

Anders eating salad with gusto.
Addie eating salad with Addie-tude. I'M SO PUNNY! But don't you think it's fitting that with a face like that, she's wearing a tiara?
I take heart that mealtime with Addie will improve with age as it has with her brother.

Now to Aani. She's filling the role of 2-year old quite well these days. She hits her sister, then on her way to time-out flashes her biggest, sweetest smile. She destroys things; she's been like a little tornado lately.

Then the other day I walked into the living room and saw this. How cute is that? Sitting in Daddy's arm, channel surfing with cute little piggy-tails. I thought, "she's too cute to be rotten."
Then we got ready for bed and she brushed her teeth like this. And that's Aani lately. Cute and rotten.
And these are the simple days that I'll look back on with fondness, won't I?


Bev said...

Kat your kids crack me up--so full of personality and spunk just like you! i love it :)

Unknown said...

Yes, Katrina you will! That is like 15 years down the road from now. I hope you can hold on till then! lol

Brownie Bites said...

I always have to remind myself, this is just a stage. I need to take more time to appreciate the funny things they do that drive me nuts, before they grow out of it.
Cute kids!

courtneyb said...

cute kids!

Nils is ready for a new pair of jeans.