Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This week...

This last week has been one full of joy... and joyness. I kid. My fingers are swelling as I type this. They do that at night these days... or, these nights. What?

There was no school last Thursday and Friday due to Fall Break. To celebrate, the children got sick and we were quarantined for 4 days. Addie and Aani have just been hacking like crazy. Anders has been hacking, fevering, sneezing and breaking out in hives. Hives? Good grief.

I was able to escape on Saturday to get my hair done. The woman gave me a full weave and a mullet. I had no idea that I had a mullet until I got home and looked in the mirror at the back. Fortunately, my across the street neighbor is a beauty school dropout. She agreed to trim the mullet as soon as her family is rid of the swine flu. Until then I have to deal. I don't know, though. Maybe I could just rock the mullet like her.


Bev said...

Oh goodie goodie gumdrops...can't wait to see the mullet on Saturday!

Who on earth gave you one, that is awful!? I hope you are firing that hairdresser and getting a new one.

courtneyb said...

no picture...fo' reals...no picture?
I think you should keep the mullet. Then you don't have to wash your hair and you could wear a vest with a wolf portrait on it.

Farrah said...

Picture please??? For posterity's sake, ya know. Inquiring minds want to see!

I read in a pregnancy book not to cut your hair while pregnant (for fear of an awful mullet-like hairdo that might wreak havoc on a pregnant woman's already sensitive self-esteem), so I'm holding out til this child is born to hack it all off! I couldn't emotionally handle something like a mullet right now (with all the swelling and fatness already occurring).

Teresa said...

I hate swelling during pregnancy. With Sabrina I knew it was bad. With Kailey I thought it was better. Then I saw a picture of myself and I ask Brian how he let me leave the house! I guess you could be thankful that it is just your fingers...although that sucks almost the mostest (yes, it is a word). I am with everyone else, we need to see a pic! Look at it this way, the mental images in our heads are probably far worse than the actual mullet! :cD

Becky said...

How could you not post the mullet picture! What does a curly mullet look like? I'm picturing the soul-glo hair from "Coming to America'. Post pictures immediately!!!

p.s. love courtney's wolf vest idea. make sure it has fringe.