Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Weekend

Friday I got the kids early from school and we drove to Las Vegas. Have you ever needed to just leave? The thought of driving 6 hours on Friday, and then turning around and doing it again on Saturday was more appealing to me than staying home sans husband for another two days.

Around Mesquite I started feeling a cold coming on, so I kind of felt like poop all weekend. That killed any desire for me to take the kids anywhere near the strip. Well, that and THIS:
Honestly. The thought of walking my kids through tunnels of these guys was too much.

We drove the strip, and the kids oooed and ahhhed at the lights and crazy buildings.

Saturday Nils had classes until the afternoon, so I took the kids to the Lied Children's Discovery Museum. It was good, clean fun. And there were no naked ladies.

Then we drove home. That's us in the reflection. Pretty fancy picture takin' there, Nils. Oh yes, and Nils did forfeit his plane ticket and drove home with us. It was nice. He's my fave.

So Las Vegas is gross, but it was nice to leave the routine. Ya know?


Farrah said...

I must say that I honestly hate Vegas. At least the strip part of it (which is all we seem to focus on), but I so know what you mean about escaping. Even if it's a short escape. Sometimes you just need to get away.

Teresa said...

I envy you. There is no way that I would pack up my kids and drive two hour, let alone six. I probably would have camped out at my Mom's house and said "whoa is me!". I am glad you are adventurous!