Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why I'm not a Pet Person

Well, I almost just killed the fish. I mean, it has been 5 days, so they're lucky they've made it this long. Their water has been a little murky the past couple of days, so I thought I'd be a good pet owner and refresh their habitat.

Do you like how loosely I'm using words like "pet" and "habitat"?

Anyhoo, we forgot to buy a net to get the little whipper-snappers out of their habitat while cleaning it, so I got them out with a measuring cup. I put them in a nice, roomy bowl and started to clean their home. All of a sudden, I see Pretty I Love You in the sink. Then I see Bolt on the counter. Then Pretty I Love You jumps onto the rubber part of the drain! STUPID FISH!

All the while, Addie and Aani are watching, Addie's bawling, and I was sure it was the end. I could see their little gills just flappin' away in the cold, dry air, but of course they wouldn't hold still and let me catch them with my measuring cup. I can't even remember how, but I managed to get Pretty I Love You before she went down the Insinkerator, and caught Bolt shortly after.

I put a plate over the stupid bowl, washed their freaking house, put them back in, and I swear to you- they both turned to me and gave me dirty looks. Their gills were flapping furiously at me.

Geez. Sorry for saving your lives.

The girls with the fish after the incident. These could be the last pictures taken of these fish.


Holly said...

Don't you love the name "Insinkerator?"

And, PHEW! That was a close one.

Farrah said...

I feel so bad for those poor fish! Did you warn them before you took them home that they likely wouldn't survive for very long? You owed them at least that much! ;)

Katrina said...
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Katrina said...

Farrah, the fish jumped out of the bowl, and I SAVED THEIR LIVES. I should be their hero.