Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Screaming child

I feel the need to convey my stress level right now. Addie has been screaming bloody murder for about 40 minutes now. I know I'm not unusual in this, but it stresses me out to listen to my children scream. I feel frustrated, guilty, sad, sorry for them...but mostly frustrated. She's EXHAUSTED. You would think the screaming would have worn her out by now. She refuses to give in, the little stinker. She seriously sounds like she's being tortured. At this point I'm debating whether it's even worth it. Bedtime is in an hour and a half, but I know if we do anything other than sit on the floor and play she'll fall asleep anyway. Anders is dying to go on a walk in the new stroller, but if I get her up and take her on a walk, she'll be out in 30 seconds and bedtime is shot. I hate teaching babies to sleep. It seems so cruel, but at the same time you could lose your mind trying to rock, feed, cuddle, soothe, all the while baby refuses to relax in your arms. She's so interested in what's going on, the cuddling doesn't work anymore. Just thought I'd share.

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