Friday, May 26, 2006

What a Week

This has been the longest week. It hasn't been that bad, but it's been super long. Nils has worked from 6 a.m. - 9 p.m. every day. He had last night off, but works tonight, and works tomorrow during the day. Geez! He gets home at 9:30, and by 10 we're both so tired we just go to sleep. It's going to be a great summer for our relationship. Fortunately, there's been something to do every night so far. On Tuesday night, all the neighbors were outside until almost 10:00, so I let the kids stay up and play outside until Nils got home. On Wednesday night, me and a few other moms orchestrated a "widow's barbecue". There are several girls around here whose husbands are gone a lot, so we figured we may as well suffer together about once a week. Yesterday afternoon we had a popsicle party. There were 20-30 kids running through sprinklers, and we had 2 slip-n-slides out. I think Anders ate 10 Otter Pops. Anyway, it's been good. I told Nils that this is the right time of year for him to be gone all the time. If it were winter and we were cooped up inside, I couldn't do it. Summer is so superior.

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