Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Aani cracks us up. When a camera is pointed at her she squints and smiles and says "Cheeee!" She also discovered sour cream tonight and consumed enough to make anyone sick. Let's hope I'm wrong about that.


mooresclan said...

She really is cute. So, did she keep the sour cream cheese down?

Holly said...

I don't know why you guys are acting like it's abnormal to eat straight sour cream. We have a side dish with every meal here at our house.

Gingerlylizzy said...

Sour cream.... mmmm, a girl after my own heart. I love sour cream. She is too darling!

Emmy Bludorn said...

Little Matt loves sour cream. Whenever we have it, he gets his spoon and just digs in. What is it with that stuff?