Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Chocolate Milk and Reindeer

Chocolate milk spilled all over the place at lunchtime. It spilled on the counter and dripped into drawers and splattered all over the floor, and I wanted to sit in a corner and rock back and forth for awhile. Because you can't just wipe up chocolate milk. It makes the whole floor sticky and I hate sticky floors. I watched it drip, drip, drip...and knew I'd have to mop. But I just mopped a couple of days ago. The injustice of it was a bit discouraging.

So I mopped. The floor was clean for about 15 minutes. It was nice.

I just tucked Anders in, and he asked me to stay with him for awhile. I laid down with him and we talked for a half-hour about school and reindeer. I realized I don't get to just talk with him during the day because of everything else there is to do. Like keeping the little whipper-snappers fed, watered and loved and then cleaning up after them. It takes those one-on-one moments to remind me that my kids are awesome, and they're growing up. And when it's all said and done, I'm not going to care if my kitchen floor was sticky, am I?

I just like it so much when it's clean.


D.J, Laura and Kids said...

I love to read your blog, its so true our kids grow up way too fast and in the end a sticky floor won't mean that much, but it is nice to make it out of the kitchen with clean feet:) and will you send me your new address I will send mine to you also I want to get together we need to talk soon.:)

Jess said...

It's those little moments that put things in perspective. There's only a few things worse than a sticky floor, it could drive a mom crazy.

Heidi said...

I'm glad you got that sweet moment with Anders! But just think. . .you got the moment AND a clean floor. You're awesome. :)