Tuesday, December 23, 2008


We got the results from the EEG and MRI, and they were both normal. So this is good news, but doesn't tell us anything.

Excuse me while I gripe. We called the hospital (when no one called us) to get the results and they said, "oh, they were normal so that's why no one called you." Is that weird? Shouldn't they call you no matter what the result is? It's not like it's important or anything. Also, I asked what we do next, like do we talk to the doctor again, is there any sort of follow-up, etc. and the lady seemed confused that I would ask that. I requested that the neurologist call me so we can talk about it and I'm still waiting. Should I be a squeaky wheel?

Having said that, I am very thankful that they were normal. Anders has been acting totally normal from the moment he came out of the seizure, so we're going to assume it was a freaky one-time incident. An expensive freaky one-time incident. But we love him, so we'll pay.

'Cause if we didn't love him we wouldn't... never mind. Me sleepy.


Holly said...

oh, i cannot stand doctors offices and how inefficient they are. i have the longest story about seeing an orthopedic surgeon about my wrist. i will have to tell you in person, because it is too long to make it into a comment.

so gripe away! "if you can't say something nice, come sit by me!"

Teresa said...

Yeah, Dr only seem to like to talk to you if they are telling you to come back so they get more money (which reminds me I was suppose to make a follow up app for my arm a month ago! whoops!). Glad that Anders results came back good.

Doulabug said...

I'd been wondering if you had heard anything. I am so glad all is well.

mooresclan said...

I am glad that you heard back, even if you had to call them. It is good news to knpw that all is normal. I hope he stays nice and healthy

Tigerlily said...
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Melinda B. said...

Yah, I would try to talk to them still. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. My assumption is that they will tell you he is fine and let them know if it happens again, but I always like to hear it straight from the man. I am glad your son has a normal brain. *smile*