Thursday, December 11, 2008


Today was Anders' EEG and MRI. We had to keep him up until midnight last night and wake him up at 4 o'clock this morning so he'd be sleep deprived. So we were (are) sleep deprived. The EEG went well, in that he actually fell asleep after about 15 minutes. He looked really cute with all those electrodes plastered to his head. Really. I'm sad I forgot the camera in my sleep deprived haze.

The MRI was a couple hours later, and that whole process really sucks. He had to be sedated, which means an IV. To say Anders doesn't do well with needles would be a gross understatement. He completely freaks out. There are no words to describe it, but he freaks out so bad that I sit there and bawl my eyes out with him. They sedated him at noon-ish. He's still asleep and I expect he'll sleep right on through the night. We'll get the results from both tests sometime next week. I never want to go to that hospital again. It's depressing and chaotic and I have been really unimpressed with their bedside a Children's Hospital. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Tomorrow is a new day....


Farrah said...

Oh, I hope the therapy for all of you after this experience doesn't cost too much. It might be worth it though after finding out he's okay!! :)

Holly said...

so tell me a little more about it.

no, i'm so sorry you had to go through all that. hopefully some good will come of it.

Emmy Bludorn said...

That sucks. Poor little guy. And poor you - four hours of sleep and you didn't even "get" to be sedated for a day! I'm waiting for the results with you...

5 little speckled frogs said...

May you have a restful weekend and good news from the tests...We have not been impressed with Primary Children's either...very scarring experiences - if not for Garett (who probably won't remember), at least for me!

Doulabug said...

I don't know how you do it. God bless ya.

Melinda B. said...

Sounds like you need to plan a Girl's Night Out or something. Hopefully, this will all be over soon. Keep your chin up sweetie.