Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Conflict Resolution

I was tagged over a month ago by Teresa and a few days ago by my sis-in-law Andrea. Here's the thing about tags: I don't really mind doing them, but I feel a little narcissistic when I do. And I just can't imagine that anyone possibly cares to know 40,000 random things about me. So, if you tag me and I don't respond immediately, it's not because I don't love you. I do. I swear. It's just that I'm so darn conflicted about tagging that rather than agonize about it I sometimes choose to ignore it. I'm sorry. So, in order to appease my guilty conscience, I will combine these two tags and just list some of my weirdness in no particular order, and in no specific categories.

*I like to take baths. In my lifetime, my bath to shower ratio is probably 80 to 20.

*I'm compulsive about keeping my fingernails short. I can't stand them long. They get all grimy and just bug me.

*I have a naturally grumpy expression on my face. People think I'm mad when I'm concentrating or not showing some specific emotion. I'm actually quite delightful, so if I look mad when you see me, don't believe it. Unless I'm really mad, in which case you better watch it.

*I always wanted to do hair as a kid, and I said after I graduated college I'd go to hair school. I graduated college and hair school just never fit in the plan. I still secretly wish I'd done it.

*I think most movies are lame. I don't think all movies are, but it's not often that I love one or like one enough to watch it again. I've thought a lot about this and here's my conclusion (see, do you seriously care to know this about me?): I used to like movies quite a lot. Then I had children, and my patience with them diminished. I think it's because I have so little leisure time, that whatever time I do have I want to spend doing something I sincerely enjoy. So I'd rather read a good book or watch a good TV show than watch a crappy movie.

*I have double-jointed elbows. Come on over sometime and I'll show you.

*I've been a chap stick addict since the 7th grade. If my lips are dry and I don't have any lip moistener I get all panicky inside. I've embraced this and do my best to have a large supply at all times.


Doulabug said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I like reading about you and your quirky self. Take care of that ankle. Want to borrow the cat?

Holly said...

i heard that you watched Transformers about 20 times though.

and when we were in primary together in springville, i always thought you were annoyed with having to play the piano because of your furrowed brow.

thank you for being shallow and narcissistic for us.