Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I Voted!

My fellow Americans, let it be known from sea to shining sea that I voted today. Nils and I are registered to vote at our old address in a different city, and I didn't know how I could work around that little technicality. I had a couple of people today ask me if I was voting, and I explained my pathetic excuse to them. Then I remembered that it's a privilege to vote. Then I started feeling like a bad, ungrateful American. Then I called the County Clerk's office and they told me I could vote in my precinct, just on a provisional ballot instead of an electronic one. It's pretty rockin' that there's a way to vote even when you haven't gotten your voter registration act together and updated your information. I tend to get all teary-eyed at random, inappropriate moments, like during commercials for scented candles or whatnot. So it really shouldn't have surprised me that I got a tad choked up seeing the line of people doing their civic duty and voting for the future of our country and community. Then I pulled it together and managed to fill in the circles completely with dark colored ink. I hope I filled in the right circles.


Doulabug said...

I voted, too! We have to be thankful for all those women so many years ago that worked so hard to let this happen.

mooresclan said...

yeah voting!

Tigerlily said...

I like to vote. Even when the rest of the country gets in wrong. Now I'll laugh if he fails to perform and throw up my hands and say "It's not my fault! You voted him in!" It was fun to vote. I wore my I VOTED sticker with pride. I wanted to live in California this election year. Prop 8 was what I really cared about.

D.J, Laura and Kids said...

Woho! Voting is so cool, your kids looked so cute for halloween. I love that your halloween was as drama filled as mine. It always makes me feel better to know that others are struggling too :)
YOu are too cute have a great day!