Monday, November 10, 2008

What I've Been Thinking About

Here's a little bit of what's been on my mind.

Thought 1: Since Anders started kindergarten it's been kinda hard to find a time to go to the gym. He goes at 11:30. Aani naps around noon. I tried going at night, but I'm so tired at night that I was very inconsistent. When school started, Anders was excited that he didn't have to go to the gym anymore. Therefore, I didn't want to go before school and ruin that little happy point in his life. (And just in case you're wondering, the kids go to the playroom while I work out. I don't make them bench press or run on the treadmill or anything.) A few weeks ago I started going at 9:00 and taking all three kids with me. I love it, and Anders even enjoys it again. Going to the gym is an essential part of my inner chi, so I'm really glad it's working out. Oy. No pun intended.

Thought 2: I've never been a banana lover. I ate a banana this morning against my better judgement. I was thinking of the good qualities of bananas. Then I got a horrible stomach ache and ralphed. My stomach feels much better. I don't like bananas.

Thought 3: I'm very disappointed in this season of Heroes. Why did they turn Mohinder into a scabby spiderweb slinging yucko? Why is Sylar suddenly good? Why does the storyline make no sense?

Thought 4: It's dark at 5:45 these days and I don't like it one bit. What do you do to keep your kids entertained during the fall/winter months? Also, what do you do when your kids tattle? That's the latest thing at our house.

Thought 5: This weekend I was reminded of the days when Anders was 2 and Addie was a baby and the days seemed endless. There weren't many places to go or things to do and I went stir crazy. I enjoy the baby phase, but I'm liking life with them being a little older. I like watching them as they learn and become who they're meant to be. I love that Aani has them to look up to and grow up with. I like that they can get their own waffles in the morning.

Thought 6: I have a mental goal to make it to 100 posts for this year. Considering that I'm at about 70, that's a stretch. Also considering the content of this post, I don't know what in the world I'd write about. Beware the coming weeks.


Doulabug said...

OO, I can't WAIT to hear what else is on your mind! As far as books, we read the Book Thief for our book club and loved it. Glad you did, too. Speaking of thieves, Larry and I read The Good Thief and that was excellent, too. I'll post some other books I came up with.

Lindsey said...

I agree with thought number one. Caleb doesn't want to go to the gym anymore but Aubrey naps in the morning while Caleb is at school... I can't figure it out.

Teresa said...

I hate when it gets dark early. No wait, that is an understatement, I HATE HATE HATE it when I gets dark early. I try and look forward to the Christmas season because then, even though it is dark, all the Christmas lights are on and it is so cheery. I too like it that Sabrina can get her own breakfast. Even though she likes to come in and tell me all about it way too many times while I am trying to get some much needed Mommy shut eye. Hmmm....

Ashli said...

I guess you could go to the gym at 5:30am like I do! ok, enough bragging. I only wanted to cry every morning for the first month and now I can't sleep past 5:30, it kind of bites on Saturdays when just because i am awake I am usually at the gym when they are unlocking the doors.

Oh, I like bananas especially fake banana like instead of a fudgsicle a bannasicle.

Heidi said...

I know what you mean about them being able to get the waffles themselves! I miss babies sometimes, but it IS nice when you don't have to do every single little thing. Aani is probably growing up FAST with two bigger sibs to copy!

I hate bananas too. They're disgusting. And don't EVEN get me started on banana bread. Just the smell is bad enough for me!

Love you too!

Heidi said...

Oh, and good job on getting back to the gym! I can't BELIEVE you don't make Anders bench press. :)

Melinda B. said...

People who are allergic to bananas tend to have a latex intolerance.
Do you have a latex allergy too?
I think I'll fly over and make you a banana alvocado dessert. And I'll make sure I have a camera, so you can blog about it later.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the whole Heroes storyline this season. It's sucking pretty hard. :(