Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Counting Our Blessings

Last night Anders had a seizure. It was the scariest experience of our lives. I put him to bed and about 30 minutes later heard him throwing up. I went into his room and he was laying in his vomit unresponsive. His eyes were wide open but he wouldn't look at me or talk. He was like that for a few minutes, and I called Nils to come home from his EQ meeting. Anders threw up a few more times and was still unresponsive. As Nils left his meeting the EQ Pres. called our neighbor to come over and make sure everything was okay. I was on the phone with the nurse and after a few minutes Anders' lips and fingernails were blue. Our neighbor called 911, and as the paramedics were coming his face turned gray and was contorting. When the paramedics arrived, they took one look at him and strapped him onto the gurney and we were off to the hospital. I rode with him and Nils drove behind us. All I could do was sit there and watch as they worked on him, and I kept just praying that he wouldn't die. On the way to the hospital his whole body was seizing, and it didn't stop until we had been at the hospital for about 30 minutes.
In the ER he was given three doses of medicine to stop the seizing and his body finally relaxed. They did blood work and a CT scan, both of which came back normal. The doctor wanted him to stay the night because the seizure lasted so long- apparently they tend to last 10 minutes or so, and his lasted an hour.

Anders woke up at 3 a.m., finally conscious and talking and crying like he normally would. We were able to tell him he got sick and was in the hospital, and he was pretty excited that he got to eat a popsicle, drink Sprite and get all kinds of toys and goodies from the nurses in the middle of the night. We're home now, and he's acting as if nothing ever happened. He still can't believe there was a firetruck at our house. We'll go to Primary Children's next week for an EEG so they can tell if it will happen again.

We feel so blessed for many reasons. First of all, our boy is alive and well. I'm sure many of you know that helpless feeling of turning your child over to someone else. The first paramedic to our house was a friend from down the street. All the paramedics were great, but it was really nice to have a familiar face amid the chaos. Our neighbors were there in the blink of an eye to help with a blessing and stay with the girls so Nils and I could both go to the hospital. I keep thinking how lucky it was that I was upstairs. If I had been in the basement I wouldn't have heard him at all, and who knows how long it would have been until we found him. Both of us are especially grateful for our wonderful neighbors, who were all there not to just stand by and watch, but to truly offer help and support. I want to hug and kiss all of them. How great is it that in the middle of an emergency, worthy priesthood holders gave Anders a blessing and we felt the spirit comfort and calm us. We are truly blessed.

On a side note, a couple miles from the hospital they turned on the lights and sirens and floored it. It was awesome. In the words of Nils, "The one time I get to speed through stop signs and red lights, and I don't even get to enjoy it." Comic relief!


Jess said...

Wow!! What an experience. Brought tears to my eyes. Glad he is ok, Anders will definately be in our thoughts and prayers. Hooray for good neighbors. Glad Nils could find something to lighten the mood!!!

Erwin and Michelle said...

I'm so glad everything is okay, I was so worried when I looked outside and saw flashing lights of not only a cop, an ambulance, but also a firetruck. It was a startling sight. I hope you don't mind, but when I took Belle into school I told Mrs. Wengreen about Anders, so that she was aware of the situation and why he wasn't at school today. We'll keep Anders in our thoughts and prayers as well.

mooresclan said...

Oh Katrina- How aweful! I was at a swimming pool a week ago and a 15 year old girl had a seizure. It was horrifying. I watched as the mom and dad just hold her down the best they could and just waited it out. Then when the girl came to, she was beyond embarrassed. I tried not to get in the way the whole time. But I just sat there and cried. I thought about how it would be to have a child go through that. I thought about how helpless I would feel. It really terrified me. I am so sorry. I hope you get good news next week. If it helps any, Spencer (Debbies son) had a couple of seizures as a toddler and hasn't had any since. He is 16 now.

Veena said...

Oh my gosh, what a scary experience! I'm so glad that Anders is alright after all of that. I hope that everything goes well at the hospital next week.

You are so awesome because you can think of all of your blessings even in the midst of this craziness.

*Jane Lee* said...

Oh my! I'm so glad Anders is ok. One time when I was about 7 or 8 I was in the car with my dad and brother on our way to our cabin. On the way, my brother had a seizure and we headed straight to Primary's. My brother vomited all over me! GROSS! I remember being at the hospital for a long time while my brother went through all sorts of tests. They found out he had Epilepsy which required him to take meds for the rest of his life. He's only ever had that one seizure and he even stopped taking his meds like 10 years ago and nothing has happened since. Kinda crazy!! I'm sure Anders will be fine and everything will turn out as it should. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Doulabug said...

Oh man. I've never even met you guys and I feel like I love ya anyway. Tell that boy that Sister Locke is sending a hug all the way from NEW YORK! And have Nils give you one from me, too.

Ashli said...

Wow, I am so glad that he is ok and we will hope for good news. It made me sad and nervous just reading about it. I'm glad that you had "angels round about you to bear you up".

courtneyb said...

I'm in tears right now. What a terrifying experience! I'm so glad you were upstairs, poor guy. and you have awesome neighbors.

Becky said...

You made me cry! That is one of the scariest experiences that I could imagine happening. I'm so glad that you were upstairs to be able to help him and I'm happy that he is doing well now. We'll keep him (and you guys, of course) in our prayers.

Heidi said...

I'm so glad that everything is okay, sis. I can't imagine how terrifying that must have been. KUP on his EEG and let us know if we can do anything--love ya.

Jamie said...

oh my! That is seriously the scariest thing you could ever go through! I hope poor Anders is recovered and everything turns out ok!

Teresa said...

All because you wanted something interesting to blog about:cP No seriously, I can't imagine how you were able to stay so calm! If I had to go through that with out Brian at home I would be totally freaking out! You guys will be in our prayers! Big hug!!

Tigerlily said...

Now you know what it felt like for me when Amanda did that in my arms 3 days after we moved in and I knew NO ONE! We had no neighbors. All I had was a voice on the end of 911. I am so glad he is okay. By the way, My nephew Caleb did that. They never found out why.

Gingerlylizzy said...

Katrina! There are tears in my eyes right now. I can't even imagine what that must have been like and my heart goes out ot you guys. Your attitude is amazing and an inspiration (especially since i complain so much about lesser things). Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Lindsey said...

Brings tears to my eyes too! I would have died. You guys really are so blessed. Be thankful.

Misty Anderson said...

Oh gosh! I am sitting her so taken back. I am so sorry you had to go through that, I cant even imagine. I am so glad he is ok. If you need anything let us know!

Melinda B. said...

I was crying by the blue finger nails. Katrina- what a horrific experience. Poor Anders. Please let us know the results of the tests. I'll be saying a little prayer.

Unknown said...


There is nothing more worrysome than seeing your own child in a medical situation where there is nothing you can do. Been there, done that. If it helps any, some kids have seizures and they never know why and then they just outgrow it and move on to something else. You know, there is always something to worry about.

Try not to worry now. I know that sound easier said than done. In other words, save the worry until you have vital information. Otherwise you can make yourself sick with worry and drive yourself crazy. Been there, done that!

I have to go. One of De Ann’s kids is hurt, like I said that is always something else. Take care of your family and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Debbie H.

Robb and Kerryann said...

You and Nils are great parents and amazing people. You handled that situation amazingly. It just helps me remember that time and life is so preciouse and that we need to enjoy every moment with our family and friends.

Emmy Bludorn said...

How scary. At least he seemed unfazed by it when he came to and he didn't have to remember it and be scared. It's times like these when you are so thankful someone is watching out for you and putting you where you need to be when you need to be (you being upstairs versus being downstairs).

And as for the ambulance - now you know one of the reasons my husband likes being an EMT so much - imagine getting to drive lights and sirens going down the wrong side of the street airhorning people. Yeah. He still talks about that whenever we're stuck in traffic.